DialogPunkt Kleve

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Together for a sustainable future

Experience a wide range of initiatives at DialogPunkt Kleve that are committed to greater sustainability. With workshops, talks, joint tours and consultation hours, there is something for everyone.

Bring your ideas and join us in shaping a sustainable and liveable city!

DialogPunkt Kleve is a cooperation project between the city of Kleve and the TransRegINT project at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. The planned activities focus on three aspects: ‘Sustainable Community’, ‘Sustainable Food’ and ‘Sustainable Mobility’. A theme week will be dedicated to each focal point, offering a variety of events. Our aim is to inform, inspire and encourage action. From Wednesdays until Fridays between 14:00 and 18:00, there will also be an opportunity for free exchange at DialogPunkt Kleve.

The programme

An der Münze 12, Kleve

All events are held in German.

Want to know more?
Each event is listed with detailed information under Events.

Looking for cool places?

During the ‘Sustainable Community’ theme week from 12 June to 14 June, the GreenFabLab at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) and the city of Kleve will be presenting the ‘Refill Map’, the ‘Cool Places Map’, the thermal imaging camera and the city of Kleve’s weather station. The ‘Refill Map’ shows points throughout Germany where water bottles can be refilled free of charge, including several stations in Kleve. To make it easier to find cool places that promise to cool you down on hot days, the city of Kleve has developed its own flyer, which is available at DialogPunkt Kleve. In the workshop, interested parties can learn how to set up a weather station themselves. In his lecture on 12 June, Akke Wilmes from the NRW consumer advice centre will answer questions about the energy transition. The architect and energy consultant is looking forward to input and questions from the audience.

Science explained simply: Sustainable food systems

One item on the programme of the ‘Sustainable Nutrition’ theme week from 19 to 21 June is the presentation of their research into food systems and agroforestry projects by HSRW scientists. On Thursday, 20 June, participants will gain insights into the green diversity of Kleve’s city gardens during a stroll through Kleve. This will be followed by a joint visit to the community gardens in Kleve. Haus Mifgash will be a guest at the first ‘Klima Café Kleve’. Experiences and ideas for a more sustainable future will be gathered over tea and snacks. On Friday evening, interested parties will have the opportunity to learn more about agroforestry systems. Dr Ana Kreter from the Agroforestry Living Laboratory team will not only introduce regional agroforestry partners, but also invite you to taste agroforestry products.


Sustainable Mobility: Experience nature, save CO2

The Department of Climate Protection, Environment and Sustainability of the City of Kleve is presenting the ‘City Cycling’ campaign together with the ADFC Kleve district association. They will be exhibiting bikes, cargo bikes, trailers and transport accessories on Friday, 28 June. This is joined by ‘Froggi’, HSRW’s electric cabin scooter, which has been in use since May. Interested visitors are invited to take a free test ride. A bicycle repair café will take place on Wednesday, 26 June under the motto ‘Make your bike fit for summer’.

Sustainable mobility in the Lower Rhine region involves more than just cycling: Prof. Dr Imgard Buder will speak on Thursday, 27 June about the HSRW’s current research into hydrogen as a new energy source. New and flexible transport solutions will be discussed in a panel discussion on Thursday evening. This will be an opportunity to play an active part in shaping a vision of mobility.


28. June 2024

„Are we all doomed when the ice melts?“

On Wednesday, 26 June 2024, the 8d class from Joseph-Beuys-Gesamtschule in Kleve visited DialogPunkt Kleve to discover the background and consequences of climate change with the help of the climate suitcase.

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18. June 2024

A clean-up campaign or “We’re saving the world”

What do schoolchildren do on a Friday afternoon equipped with gloves and tongs? They are saving the world, as one pupil enthusiastically put it. Or to put it rationally: They go litter picking.

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13. June 2024

Away from oil & gas – expert explains sustainable heating

Under the motto "The right heating for the energy transition! Heat pumps and alternatives", he explained to the participants how their own four walls can be heated in a future-proof and environmentally friendly way.

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5. July 2024

Between restraint and interest – DialogPunkt Kleve in retrospect

It's done! 20 events aimed at a wide variety of target groups have aroused curiosity, led to fruitful discussions and provided insights.

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14. June 2024

Crafting for biodiversity

Our "Building nesting boxes for children" event at DialogPunkt Kleve was a complete success! We playfully introduced the children of the Montessori School to the importance of nature conservation.

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1. July 2024

Cycling for a good climate

The city of Kleve has been taking part in the CITY CYCLING competition since 2016. For 21 days, participants are to cover as many everyday journeys as possible in a climate-friendly way. The interim event has now taken place at DialogPunkt Kleve.

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Team DialogPunkt Kleve

  • Alle
  • Project management / coordination
  • Transformation projects

Christina Martens

Florian Gaisrucker

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