SustainCup HSRW

The SustainCup HSRW is a sustainability competition for all employees of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW). True to the motto 'How can I make my everyday working life at HSRW more sustainable?' creative and realisable ideas are sought.
The application phase 2024 is over. the university-wide voting follows.
All HSRW employees are invited to submit their ideas for more sustainability at the university by 20 October 2024. A jury will then select the best ideas, which will then be evaluated by HSRW employees. The best three ideas will be honoured and, if possible, implemented at the university.
About the SustainCup HSRW
The idea for the competition originated in an internal university workshop as part of the TransRegINT project. The aim is to raise awareness of sustainable practices, promote positive changes in behaviour and actively involve employees in change processes. The ideas submitted are also intended to identify the needs of employees with regard to sustainability.
Requirements for an application
- The idea serves to make everyday working life at the HSRW more sustainable.
- Prompt implementation at the HSRW is realistic.
- The idea can be applied to various organisational units, at best to the entire HSRW, or has a lasting effect on the entire HSRW.
The prize money is based on the subject matter*:
1st place: 1,000 euros
1st place: 500 euros
2nd place: 250 euros
*The prize money is to be used for a purpose for the benefit of the department(s).