Agroforestry round table for practitioners

Agroforst Woche_Stammtisch_2024_HSRW_©Anna-Lea_Ortmann_000
Datum: Uhrzeit: 18:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr Ort: Kleve Campus, Tropical Greenhouse

Become part of a network of agroforestry practitioners at the Agroforestry Stammtisch!

Agroforestry is enjoying increasing interest, although it is still a niche area. At the same time, there are pioneers or interested parties in the Lower Rhine region who have turned to agroforestry. One or the other has already gained experience and discovered the potential, but has also encountered the first problems. To enable agroforesters to learn from and with each other, we at the agroforestry living laboratory would like to facilitate an exchange. We would therefore like to invite you to our first agroforestry round table in the seminar room of the tropical greenhouse.

The event is only aimed at farmers: Whether you already have many years of experience in agroforestry or are just starting out, we welcome you to join us.

Please register by June 4th by sending an email to

We look forward to exchanging and learning together about agroforestry initiatives and practices in the Lower Rhine region.




Professor for Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Team Agroforestry Living Lab 02821/80673 234


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