Lecture and discussion on the topic of building with sustainable and renewable raw materials.
More and more people are recognising the need to use ecological and sustainable materials in construction. But what options are there for utilising these raw materials in practice? What advantages do they bring – for the environment, but also for us and our homes?
In her presentation, speaker Christiane Otto-Böhm from the district of Wesel will provide exciting insights into the topic of ‘Building with sustainable and renewable raw materials’. She will shed light on how a ‘gravel turnaround’ – the switch from mineral to renewable building materials – can revolutionise the way we build.
After the lecture, we cordially invite you to join in the discussion. Discuss ideas, challenges and perspectives for sustainable construction in our region with the speaker and other participants.
This event is part of the DialogPunkt Xanten in cooperation with the city of Xanten.