How do you imagine the Lower Rhine in 15 years' time?

The Lower Rhine is traditionally characterised by agriculture. The cultivation of vegetables, fruit, cereals, ornamental plants and livestock farming characterise this region. Many medium-sized companies are also located here. The university locations of Kleve and Kamp-Lintfort attract (international) students. How will the Lower Rhine develop over the next 15 years - in terms of landscape, economy and culture?

What do you think?


5 thoughts on “How do you imagine the Lower Rhine in 15 years’ time?”

  1. Neil Shirtcliffe

    The region will gradually be dragged into the 21st century whether it wants it or not. Some towns will die, others will expand and the closed clique society will gradually disappear as the people from the region are replaced with others. Some of the organisations will modernise to survive and others will disappear. The political issue is how to manage this so that the positive effects (fairer structures, more open society) are maximised and the negative ones (loss of tradition, centralisation/internet shift of shopping) are minimised.

  2. Elizabeth Azabache Cubas

    Entwicklung im Agrarsektor, Aufrechterhaltung der weltweiten Ernährungssicherheit und Innovation nachhaltiger Technologien

  3. Elizabeth Azabache Cubas

    Modernisierung der Organisation, um in ständigen Veränderungen bestehen zu können, Innovation nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Entwicklungstechnologien

  4. Elizabeth Azabache Cubas

    Moderne Innovation in der Organisation, um in ständigen Veränderungen zu überleben, Innovation nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Entwicklungstechnologien.

  5. Elizabeth Azabache Cubas

    Mit der Entwicklung von Technologien der neuesten Generation, die sich ständigen Veränderungen wie dem Klimawandel und der Widerstandsfähigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Arten stellen.

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